Getting to My Best Shape

This is an old post from a previous blog but I thought I’d post it since it gives me a bit of introduction:


I’ve never really been the sporty girl. I was the girl who liked to read and loved anime and crammed to memorize half my Physics book in 30 minutes for a quiz. I can say that I’ve been on the heavy side for most of my life. I stand at 5 feet 5.5 inches (about 165-ish cm) at – wait for it – 195lbs. Ish. People say that I don’t look as big as I weigh, though. I therefore blame my big bone structure. :p

I lost weight in 2003. LOTS of weight. I looked good, people said I looked good. But I never really had that much confidence in myself so I thought that I didn’t look as good as I would have liked. I eventually gained back the weight and then some.

I think I was around 25 when I started to realize that I shouldn’t care what other people thought and that I should just do what I want. I figured, it’s ok as long as I’m not hurting anyone, right? That worked for a while, until I realized that I’ve ballooned up to 213 lbs (96.8kgs). I joined a gym and even signed up for their weight loss program. It worked for me the first time so I figured that it should work again. I did lose the initial 10lbs but found it extremely difficult to lose anything else thereafter.

In one of the measuring sessions, my consultant discovered that my neck was getting bigger. Upon having the check-up, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Essentially, I don’t produce enough hormones and it’s making my metabolism extremely sluggish. There were also nodules around my neck area and surgery is the only option to take them out. The surgery was done in March 2010. The period after that was a series of hit-and-miss with my endocrinologist in finding the right dose of thyroid hormone replacement meds for me. Recently, we’ve found the perfect dosage and the perfect timing. So instead of having a quarterly check up, my endocrinologist decided to cut down my visits to twice a year. Not bad!

Comparing how I looked like from the Christmas 2009 to present, my friends have told me that I have lost weight. I’ll post pictures when I can. I don’t really feel like it, since I don’t weigh myself. Oh, that’s also one of my least favorite things – weighing in. In my case, only one of two things happens: complacency or depression; complacency when the numbers start to go down, or depression when the numbers creep up. In this weight loss expedition, I plan to just measure my stats every month or twice a month. With the holidays around the corner, I would much rather concentrate on putting in as much exercise as I can to offset the holiday food that I will no doubt devour.

I’ve recently started going back to the gym. I have such a love-hate relationship with the place (but that’s for another blog entry)! Comments, suggestions, words of encouragement, or a line to say ‘Hi!’ would be deeply appreciated.

College days


I would love to be around this shape again, with a better lifestyle.  ———>

3 Replies to “Getting to My Best Shape”

  1. Hi Chiara! You look sooo skinny in that last photo! I also would love to see you to be around that shape again. I wish I have your determination, it has been half a year and I’m still not back to “around” my pre-baby weight. Ugh! Hope to join you again in yoga class (or maybe crossfit?) when I’m home. 🙂 -Ysel

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