“Uy, Tumaba Ka!” Homaygahd, Stop.

This has been a topic in a few blog posts and articles that I’ve seen floating around the Internet. The title (bluntly translated, “Whoa, you’ve gotten fat!”) is used as a form of greeting by Filipinos, mostly from the older generation, who are oblivious of how this statement just does not work anymore. From what I’ve gathered, this used to be a compliment in the olden days. It was a time when resources were scarce; a sign of financial prosperity was to be able to gain weight as it is perceived that one can afford more food.

Fast forward to the 21st century, I think people should remember that the operative words are “It used to be a compliment.” Some people will argue that it’s a cultural thing, that it’s always been the norm, or it’s a way to start a lighthearted conversation. I just think it’s rude. Period. I recently saw an acquaintance and this is how the first 20 seconds of the conversation went:

Me: Oh, hi!

Acquaintance: Oh wow, you gained weight!

Me: Oh… (awkward laughter) I don’t know…

Acquaintance: No, really, you got bigger!

Who’s to say that the person really was making an effort to make the change, or if the person is in the proper emotional/mental condition to make the change? A personal journey is just that – personal. No one should feel entitled to give their unsolicited two cents about a person’s life, unless that individual reaches out to share their vulnerability with you. My body is a work in progress. I will always be a work in progress. I’ve wasted a good chunk of my life hating the way I look; it’s about time that I love the body that I have right now.

In a fit of righteous rage to this social injustice, I decided to have a random photoshoot with the talented Ina Nolasco! All photo credits belong to her. Check out what she’s working on here.

Photo credits: Ina Nolasco

I’ve always been heavy, so I grew up with a bunch of advice on how to dress. “Always wear black; it’s slimming.” “Avoid horizontal lines.” “White clothes will make you look fatter.” My style ironically evolved away from these nuggets of wisdom; a splash of color here, funky patterns there, topped with a dollop of girly-girl.


This maxi dress is actually strapless. I can rock sans sleeves but I need a security measure for a strapless. You can pair it with a short bolero, or a beach cover up like the one I’m wearing.


A pair of strappy sandals completes the chill summer look.


Dress: I bought it in Australia a few years back. Hope is not lost as I found a similar dress in Forever 21+.

Cover Up: It’s been with me since forever that I don’t remember where I got it! It’s pretty plain so I’m fairly certain that you can find a similar piece in most stores.

Sandals: Greenhills

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