Dear Younger Me

Dear Younger Me, You actually came out at a normal weight, at 8-something pounds. Eventually you grew to be a chubby kid. It was the 80’s; everybody loved fat babies. You got chubbier and bigger, and Mama eventually had a hard time finding things that would fit you in the kids section. By the time …

“Uy, Tumaba Ka!” Homaygahd, Stop.

This has been a topic in a few blog posts and articles that I’ve seen floating around the Internet. The title (bluntly translated, “Whoa, you’ve gotten fat!”) is used as a form of greeting by Filipinos, mostly from the older generation, who are oblivious of how this statement just does not work anymore. From what …

An Unexpected Marinade

What do you do when you have vinaigrette salad dressing in your fridge that no one wants to touch? It can become a surprisingly great marinade! Somebody gave my mom got a bottle of balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing a few months ago. It was one of those mass produced factory dressings that you find in …

Hot Yoga: Too Cool!

I have dubbed 2014 as my year of fitness. This is it. NO more excuses! While I resigned from my previous job to concentrate on my doctorates studies, my situation gives me the perfect opportunity to concentrate on improving my health. A few years ago, I signed up for a lifetime membership in Slimmer’s World, …

CrossFit/Bootcamp – Nothing to be Afraid of… Eventually

At the beginning of the year, I purchased a voucher from Deal Grocer to try a one-month unlimited Bootcamp challenge in CrossFitMNL’s Alabang branch. To those unfamiliar with the term “CrossFit,” the PR term is, “the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial …

Throwback Thursday Post: Checking out Corregidor Island

This is an old post that I never had the courage to put on a blog. I am still scouring my Facebook page for the photos. There were some awesome ones that would be lovely to share. Happy reading!****************************************************************************My friends and I had a sudden sense of patriotism and decided to take a historical field …